Contact Us

Please let us know if you have any questions about usage of assets, our brand guidelines, licensing or legal matter.
If you encounter a problem along the way, or think something can be improved, please let us know about that too.
You may also wish to consult our FAQs below.

Jean-Marie Heins
+1 (914) 282-0457

Contact FAQ

Q. Is there a cost to access, download or use assets?
There is no charge to use the assets, provided you comply with the Terms of Use, individual asset Licence conditions and follow any Usage instructions or Brand Guidelines provided.
Q. Do I need to register or login to search for assets?
In most cases, you can search through the assets in the library without registering. From the home page or Assets page, you can use the search box to search either by keywords (tags), region or asset id (if previously known). However by registering and logging in you may be able to find and access Assets that would otherwise not be visible to you, based on your user role and status.
Q. How do I register?
From the home page, click on the ‘login/register' button in the top navigational tool bar. From there you need to supply your and validate your email address and then set a password and complete your user profile.

Once registered you will be assigned the default user role for registering users. To access some assets and more advanced features you may be granted a different user role by the site Administrators. Alternatively, you may receive an emailed User Invitation with a different user role pre-assigned to you. If you need a different user role, please contact us.
Q. How do I recover my lost password for this site?
If you have lost your password, you will have to reset it. To do so, click the Lost Password link on the login form and enter your registered email address (the email you registered on this site with). We'll send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.
Q. Is there a limit to the length of time I can use an asset?
That depends. If the Asset has an Expiry Date (which can be found in the Asset detail page and Licence detail panels when downloading, sharing and sending), you must cease all use of those assets at the date of expiry. If there is no Expiry Date, then you can use the asset as long as you like OR until the owner of the IP (in most cases the brand/company/organisation providing it to you) requests that you cease using it.
Q. Can I edit the Assets I download?
Our brand identity assets and logos should never be edited, altered or broken apart. Other Assets should generally not be edited or altered. However if the Licence rules or Usage instructions specifically allow for repurposing or alteration, editing of assets is permissible.
How do I get a different user role?
User Roles are used to give Users certain abilities such as the ability edit meta-data, upload assets, view private assets, etc. The public (not yet registered or not logged in) are deemed to be 'Guest' users. All registered users get the role of 'Standard User' by default. If you think you should have a different User Role, please contact us and request a role change.